I think so hard to find suitable words to start this post yet I find nothing. So, hello again! It is my 6th week being in 6th semester of college. Bunch of tasks has already hit me. This project is one of them *sob*. This third project has higher difficulty than other 2 projects. The lecturer asked us to use sensor (whatever it is) in this project. All we need to do is to display the output of the sensor. We can use our monitor, LCD or 7-segment (I have talked about this thing on my previous post). Because I am a diligent student that would like to give my best, I choose 7-segment. Even though it means I have to give more effort. But hey, there is nothing bad for trying more right? So here are tools and materials you need to display output from a sensor. Oh, I chose temperature sensor anyway.
save this code as Seven Segment Display Thermometer with DS12B20
save this code as SevenSeg.cpp
save this code as SevenSeg.h
Please make sure you buy LM35 for your temperature sensor cause different type of sensor needs different code and scheme. This is a warning since I bought different type of sensor and we end up borrow the sensor from one of our friend. Thanks Kopunk for saving our life. If you are ready with every tool and material, now you have to follow the scheme below and copy the codes.
save this code as Seven Segment Display Thermometer with DS12B20
save this code as SevenSeg.h
We found scheme and codes above from http://www.instructables.com/id/Seven-Segment-Display-Thermometer-Arduino-Based/?ALLSTEPS. We thought it would be easy at first because the steps seemed easy and all we have to do is copying only right? So have big faith in starting this third project.
But we were failed at our first try. We have used so many jumper cables and it was so messy (messier than second project). Still we failed. It seemed because we need things called 'gate' so that we would able to connect two cables in to one pin. Maybe we don't really understand how breadboard work. So we asked some of our friend, did this and that. And....still failed. Were we giving up at this point?
Of course no. We are so cool that we will not give up that easily. We are not that lame. Seeing that weird output on the 7-segment, we started to assume that we did something wrong with our code. So, we checked the code, changed every code that seemed wrong and uploaded to Arduino. And....
We got the scheme and source code above from https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sik-experiment-guide-for-arduino---v32/experiment-7-reading-a-temperature-sensor. After uploading the code, you have to click on "tools" and choose Serial Monitor for displaying the output. So here are the result from our team.
We.....still....failed.... you might think that we gave up, don't you? We were still not giving up and check the series again. We plugged and unplugged the cables, changed the code, uploaded the codes, changed the code header, did this and that and, still failed. It's been more than an hour doing this project. We were tired and hungry at the same time. And we were....stressed out. *insert twenty one pilots-stressed out song here*.
I am kind of person that believe you have to eat when you are hungry. You have to stop every activity you are doing. I even always wake up in the middle of my sleep just because I am hungry. People can die because of starving. Because I love myself too much, I won't let myself die starving :) nice thinking isn't it? I know I know, I have great responsibility in taking care of myself. I am such a good role model right? Lol no, but seriously. We were starving that day and we could not think anymore. Yet, the deadline was so close. Yet again, we still got plenty tasks that we have to finish too. So we moved on yet not giving up. We planned to display out the output of our temperature sensor using serial monitor only he he he. It is still valid, right? It is way more easier than using 7-segment. Oh, just in case you wonder. We were not using LCD because we thought we could make it with 7-segment and at that time, the store has already closed so we can not but any LCD. And because the deadline is ahead, we have no choice anymore huhuhu. Then we unplugged all the cables and components, passionately.
So here are tools and materials for displaying output from temperature sensor in serial monitor. Oh, and also the code and scheme.
Well, I guess that's all for my third project. Au revoir! Anyway, please forgive my messy grammar :""")
a third year colleger,
Eka Theresia Kartika Suri
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