I'm in examination day now. It start from monday. I'm too lazy to study and too afraid of the examination. The first day was math with Bahasa Indonesia and French. Bahasa and French is easy for me. But math is such a kind of devil. I think I was born not for math. On the second day I have problem with history. I don't have any interest for that subject. And........ today! Why in this world we have study economy? err I really have no talent there. And, tomorrow I'll face chemistry. Don't think I hate this subject. I do love this subject. In science, the most I love is chemistry. But, I think I can't face the exam tomorrow. I feel the exam will be so hard. Until now I'm not study yet. I don't know what things I have to learn. I'm a bad student. I know it. Just wish me luck for tomorrow. Wish I don't have to follow any remedial. I'm fucking tired of remedial. Cause I want read many of novel too. oh! and wish the exam will be easy, not hard like what I think. And the most important you have to wish about the teacher that will watch out my class tomorrow. Wish the teacher will be a bad teacher that won't angry if we're cheating! haha
Ick! Chemistry! I hope it went well for you. You have an adorable blog. I'm now following :) Stop by my blog some time and say hi (and follow back if you're interested).